Please select from the following Industrial paper products:
Industrial paper mainly includes one-sided coated paper, coated paper without fluorescer, release base paper, interleaving paper for PS plate, stainless steel interleaving paper, aluminum foil interleaving paper and thermal-sensitive base paper. One-sided coated paper is suitable for offset printing, gravure, flexo printing, etc. and is mainly used to print products such as mid- or high-class cigarette and wine labels, adhesive stickers, paper bags and membrane and aluminized products. Coated paper without fluorescer, as the name suggests, doesn’t have fluorescer and is mainly used to print cigarette packs, candy packs and food packs. Release base paper is mainly used to process separate paper for tampons, floor tiles and courier receipts, and also to process rubber sleeves. Interleaving paper for PS plate is used as the interleaving paper for printing plates such as PS plate and CTP plate to avoid plate damage. Stainless steel interleaving paper is used as the interleaving paper between stainless steel and aluminum plates to avoid plate damage, aluminum foil interleaving paper is used to make cigarette carton lining and gum pack, and thermal-sensitive base paper is mainly used for coated and processed thermal-sensitive paper, and, after deep processing, can be used to make fax paper, cashier paper, cardiogram paper and phone bill. It is widely used in shopping malls, supermarkets, hospitals and offices.